Crazy Picasso
All Occassion Celebrations!
Girl Scout Badge Program
Partnering in imagination and creativity!
Earn money while having fun by hosting a parent/scout event. Troops wishing to earn money can invite the public and those proceeds will also go to the troop.
Crazy Picasso - The only official scout approved vendor for South Texas!
We offer several choices to help scouts earn art inspired badges. each event last approximately 1 hour and all supplies are provided. Groups are welcome to bring any food or drinks and theme décor. It's a Party! Events can be scheduled anytime at your convenience.
Scouts and Adults - $25
Capacity in studio - 100 painters
Capacity off site - up to 200 painters
Check with your local school to see if they offer their cafeteria or art room as a free offsite venue for large event.
Daises earn a fun patch.
Brownies earn a painting badge.
Juniors earn a drawing badge.
Cadettes earn a comic artist badge.